FAIL FORWARD FAST & - Alexis Michaud



Just keep moving.

On this motivation Monday I want to talk about failure or about learning there is almost always a better way to do everything. Fail forward fast.  It’s a mantra that been drilled into me.  When I was younger I would say to myself  “just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”  Now for whatever reason I have a football analogy in my mind when it comes to creating and growing a new business.  I am a running back and although I take hits, bumps, get dragged off course, I never take my eyes off the end-zone.  It’s like when you are a dancer and you learn to spot as you turn repeatedly.  You can accomplish amazing things when you stay focused regardless of what is going on around you.


Just do it.

The hits and bumps are blessings.  “Thank you for that lesson”  I say to the person or event providing me with a teaching moment.  Armed with additional knowledge I move on.  Failure is fun.  Failure is ego bruising.  Getting up from failure is energizing.  Wherever you are, whatever your goals, learn the lesson, take the hits, get up, and always, always, keep moving.

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