When my husband and I were first married I would hear him talking with his parents on the phone discussing the sun. “It’s sunny when you wake up here. You just get up and it’s bright and you feel ready to go.” At the time I didn’t realize why he was discussing the weather with his San Francisco based family until he explained that during his entire childhood he woke up to gray skies. Fog, fog, and usually more fog which didn’t burn off until late morning.
Growing up here maybe we do take the sun for granted as kids but certainly not as adults. I think the sun is one of the reasons Nevadans have a Can Do attitude. It fills us with energy. Although I’m a native I have lived in California, Oregon, even the South of France, and the spirit that embodies Nevadans is unique. Where else can you wear cowboy boots and high heels in the same day and blend in? As a whole we care about one another, we care about our communities, we are a self-sufficient people who are a motivated bunch. Look at how our city responded after October 1. The world seemed surprised but were we? I don’t think so. It’s who we are.
I love the state that I call home. That’s the simple reason I started this blog. Home means Nevada to me. If you are so inclined, below are the lyrics to our state song. Required curriculum in elementary school and they certainly make for a good time when on a family road trip and crossing the state line. Our family, like many others I know, erupt into an enthusiastic lyrical spectacular that is completely off key, when we cross in and out of the great state of Nevada.
There are two verses to the song: (You have the Chorus only)
1. ‘Way out in the land of the setting sun,
Where the wind blows wild and free,
There’s a lovely spot, just the only one
That means home sweet home to me.
If you follow the old Kit Carson trail,
Until desert meets the hills,
Oh you certainly will agree with me,
It’s the place of a thousand thrills.
Home, means Nevada, Home, means the hills,
Home, means the sage and the pines.
Out by the Truckee’s silvery rills,
Out where the sun always shines.
There is the land that I love the best,
Fairer than all I can see,
Deep in the heart of the golden west
Home, means Nevada to me.
2. Whenever the sun at the close of the day,
Colors all the western sky,
Oh my heart returns to the desert grey
And the mountains tow’ring high.
Where the moonbeams play in shadowed glen,
With the spotted fawn and doe,
All the live-long night until morning light,
Is the loveliest place I know.
Repeat Chorus.